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The Cigar Snob Atlantic City Cigar Social

  • Overview

    The 2nd Atlantic City Cigar Social, presented by Cigar Snob magazine, returns, welcoming stogie lovers far and wide to gather in pursuit of the perfect smoke. The event is on Saturday, Sept, 21 2024, outside at Oscar McClinton Waterfront Park in Atlantic City. Cigar enthusiasts are invited to enter a world where smoke bellows and libations flow freely. The Atlantic City Cigar Social is an opportunity to discover and indulge in premium cigar brands, craft beers, distilled spirits, local cuisine and more. The lineup of interactive programming is packed with everything from burlesque and comedy to industry insider conversations, cocktail tutorials and more. Rub elbows with industry professionals and cigar personalities while enjoying the finest smokes, sips and bites. Soak up knowledge as 25+ cigar manufacturers will discuss their premium leaf blends, curing processes and company cultures. Enjoy your favorite brands while building relationships with cigars you’ve yet to try. The 2024 Social takes place at Oscar McClinton Waterfront Park, nestled in the Northeast section of Atlantic City. Good Time Tricycle will transform this green space into the ultimate celebration of cigars and the connections they forge. The perfect partner to a great cigar is a quality beverage. Indulge in sips from the select breweries and wineries in the room, or enjoy a skillfully crafted cocktail that pairs beautifully with your cigar of choice. Mixologists and beverage professionals will be on hand to educate guests about pairings while keeping their glasses filled with their favorite libations. This unforgettable lifestyle experience will offer the best in local cuisine. Savor a diverse array of dishes from IL PORCELLINO, ranging from a farm-fresh table to a Tobacco Leaf-smoked whole hog. Delight your palate at the oyster station and satisfy your sweet tooth at the dessert bar and beyond. The Cigar Social is not just an event; it's a culinary journey that complements the sophistication of premium cigars. When visiting Atlantic City, people often ask, “Where is a good place to have a cigar?” Discover the answer on Sept, 21 2024, at The Atlantic City Cigar Social. General admission tickets include 20+ premium cigars, food from Il Porcellio, adult beverage tastings, raffles, giveaways and a custom swag bag.
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Explore The Cigar Snob Atlantic City Cigar Social