• Overview

    The New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium (NJSGC) advances knowledge and stewardship of New Jersey's marine and coastal environment through research, education and extension.

    Providing sound scientific data to promote wise decision-making about New Jersey's coastal and marine resources is at the heart of NJSGC's mission.

    The Education Program holds a wide variety of programs directed towards advancing greater understanding and stewardship of our state's marine and coastal resources.

    The primary goal of Extension is to provide useful information to people employed or interested in fields related to marine resources from fishermen, coastal engineers, maritime industry personnel, resource managers and decision makers to the general public.

    NJSGC is located in the Sandy Hook, NJ Unit of Gateway Natioal Recreation Area. The Park entrance is off of Rt. 36.

  • Amenities

    • Meeting Facilities
    • Guided Tours
  • Nearby:

    •  Dining

    •  Lodging

    •  Activities

    •  Events

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Explore New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium